Guiding startups through the challenges presented by substance use disorder
Who we are
We are a non-profit dedicated to helping others overcome their battles with substance use disorder (SUD) and other mental health issues. On July, 18th, 2019, we lost Greg Mazanec to a long battle with SUD. Greg was a husband, son, brother, father, friend and colleague to many of us. He was taken too soon by a horrible disease. Inspired by him, we are joining the fight to help all of those suffering from substance use disorder.
Greg’s grandfather was his hero. A WWII Navy veteran with a lifelong attachment to the sea, he collected replicas of historic lighthouses. One of those lighthouses rests with Greg at Oak Hill Cemetery in Washington, D.C.
A lighthouse guides ships through darkness and away from danger. Throughout his career, Greg loved guiding startups through unexpected challenges. In loving memory of Greg’s shining spirit, we created Operation Lighthouse to help guide startups through the challenges presented by substance use disorder and other mental health concerns.
What we do
Operation Lighthouse offers startup leaders and employees a pathway to personal and corporate health by providing education about the prevention, recognition, and management of SUD and other mental health issues. Beyond education, Operation Lighthouse provides access to the tools for employees to confidentially evaluate their risk and need for help with guidance to evidence-based treatment if needed. By encouraging leaders to create a supportive and stigma-free healthy workplace, companies can assist their employees through recovery and return to fully productive work. A win-win.
Why it matters
Substance use disorders (SUDs) often coupled with coexisting anxiety or depression have reached epidemic status in the United States and the startup workforce is at high risk. These disorders are most prevalent in persons under 30 years of age, matching the demographic of most startup companies. Other stressors, including the long, irregular hours of the startup world compound the risks. Presently 15% of persons under 25 have a SUD and another 10% have an alcohol use disorder, more than twice the risk for persons over 30. SUD is life threatening. Among millennials (born between 1984-96) the numbers are staggering.
In the past 10 years:
35% increase in suicides
69% increase in alcohol deaths
500% increase in fatal overdose deaths
6,000% increase in fatal fentanyl overdose deaths.
Beyond these catastrophic and crushing personal losses, SUDs threaten the success and even survival of the company itself. With a smaller workforce, a startup is more vulnerable to the impact of a key employee struggling with SUD. Unfortunately, startups - unlike larger companies - often lack the resources to help employees seeking guidance and help for their disorder.